Game modifiers are items in preferences that you can use to adjust the difficulty of the gameplay. They do not affect the calculation of the score and the accuracy rate. All enabled game modifiers are shown in the middle left of the game interface.

Here is a list of all the modifiers:

Code Meaning In-game display (English) Type Default
playRate Play rate (speed of music) %fx speed Number 1.0
autoPlay Auto-play Auto-play Boolean false
noBad No-bad mode No-bad Boolean false
noExcess No-excess mode No-excess Boolean false
judgeWindow Judgement window (smaller is stricter) %fx judge Number 1.0
autoCompleteHolds Automatically hold for hold notes Auto-hold Boolean false

Any values of these preferences items different from default values are regarded as enabling the corresponding game modifier (displayed in-game). The percent symbol (%) in the above table is for printf format.


This modifier adjusts the speed of the music to a certain multiple of the original speed. The pitch of the music will change correspondingly.

Note that judgement windows are divided by the play rate value because they are proportional to the time duration of each row of the beatmap, which is shorter when the play rate is higher.


This modifier makes the computer play for you and ignore your inputs. It does not guarantee an all-perfect play if there are impossible notes in the beatmap.


This modifier prevents the player from failing when the HP is about to drop below zero. HP is clamped between 0 and 1, so this cannot make HP actually drop below zero.

Despite this, it cannot prevent the player from getting the “G” mark.


This modifier makes your gameplay have no bad hits. It does not affect the judgement windows for perfect hits and good hits. Technically, it is equivalent to setting the bad window to be the same as the good window.

This modifier does not necessarily decrease the difficulty of the gameplay because it will be easier to have excess hits.


This modifier makes your gameplay have no excess hits. Technically, it is equivalent to setting the number of excess hits to zero and turning off all in-game animations related to excess hits.


This modifier allows you to make the judge stricter or looser. The radii of judgement windows are multiplied by the ratio specified by this modifier.


This modifier makes those holds that are hit perfect or good hold themselves without requiring the player to continuously press the keys.